DEAC Cluster Service Level Agreement
Recent Updates:
10/09/2024: Added Priority Calculation section to clearly show how priority is calculated.
08/01/2024: Added updated baseline totals.
01/09/2024: Updated Internal and External Rates for all Service Sub-Unit Types as part of 2024 biannual review.
08/01/2023: Updated Account Eligibility and Sponsorhip section to clearly define “Internal” and “External” users for reference throughout SLA.
07/14/2023: Updated Expected Utilization section to reflect new, simpler calculation method. Added admonition blocks to highlight key elements of SLA.
04/25/2023: Added information about exclusive “High” QOS access for Contributing Research Groups
The Wake Forest University (WFU) Distributed Environment for Academic Computing (DEAC) Cluster is a continually evolving resource, undergoing constant changes and including hardware and software upgrades annually. To help keep pace with that evolution, the HPC Team has written several guidelines that will help users stay informed of operational standards while utilizing the DEAC Cluster. These guidelines will be updated as needed, and form the “DEAC Cluster Service Level Agreement (SLA);” which supersedes any legacy rules and/or guidelines concerning the DEAC Cluster that may have been previously published and are not contained within. DEAC Cluster Users will be notified via email of significant updates after they have been made.
This SLA seeks to further enhance and support the mission of the DEAC Cluster, which is to provide stable, robust, and accessible computational resources that allow the education and research communities to focus on their primary missions. All current users from the WFU Undergraduate School and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will continue to have free baseline access to the DEAC Cluster. This SLA defines how the Information Systems (IS) HPC Team makes allocation of those resources as fair as possible for an ever evolving, and growing, user base. Relevant to fair access, this SLA seeks to clearly define the method for which users can contribute funds in support of larger anticipated workloads; as well as how those contributions, and their benefits, are weighed alongside total monetary investment into the DEAC Cluster.
User Agreement
Account Eligibility and Sponsorhip
Usage of the DEAC Cluster for research and instructional activities is provided at NO COST to WFU Undergraduate College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (WFU UC/GSAS) as part of the centralized services provided by Information Systems. These users will henceforth be called “*Interal*” Users.
To access the DEAC Cluster, students, faculty and staff must formally request access from the HPC Team, either via email to or ticket submission to the HPC Team from
Students must have a Faculty sponsor who approves their account request. This sponsorship is required for research and instructional usage of the DEAC Cluster. Faculty sponsors take responsibility for their approved users’ actions on the cluster.
Classroom instructors are asked to submit all student account requests one week in advance of required use; requests should be made in a singular email to, containing the full names and email addresses of all students that will require login.
It is assumed that instructional usage of the DEAC Cluster is limited for that semester only. Any granted classroom access, created files, or related content may be removed 1-year after the semester ends. If students wish to continue access to the DEAC Cluster after a class has concluded, they should seek sponsorship with a research advisor.
Non-WFU parties are allowed access to the DEAC Cluster for research collaborations. The sponsoring research must request creation of a guest account for their collaborator and complete the guest account request process accordingly. If access is required beyond the original request’s term, a guest account extension must be requested.
Students, faculty or staff may have their WFU account extended after leaving the University in order to continue research as an external collaborator with a currently employed researcher on the DEAC Cluster. The research sponsor must make a formal request via for an account extension for the external collaborator’s account. Account extensions may be requested for up to one year. If the collaboration continues beyond that year, the request must be made again before the term ends.
Usage of the DEAC Cluster by WFU affiliated parties outside of the WFU UC/GSAS, such as the School of Medicine, is provided only in a PAID USAGE format. Any usage not paid for ahead of time must be paid for after the fact in the form of a Chargeback. These users will henceforth be called “*External*” Users.
Acceptable Use
Access to and use of DEAC Cluster resources is permitted for academic research and instructional activity only. The list of usage regulations below is not all encompassing; it is provided in an effort to promote awareness of acceptable use of the DEAC Cluster, and to ensure that the DEAC Cluster is used in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. If any user is unsure whether their usage, discovered actions, or observed behavior is acceptable on the DEAC Cluster, they should contact the HPC Team without hesitation.
Users must acknowledge the DEAC Cluster for all findings, publications, manuscripts, posters, and/or oral presentations that result directly or indirectly from the use of its resources.
Users shall adhere to the Information Systems
Policy on Responsible and Ethical Use of Computing Resources
while operating on the DEAC Cluster. Students are also governed by the Wake Forest University Code of Conduct while using the DEAC Cluster.To ensure the integrity of all research conducted on the DEAC Cluster, all users shall adhere to the
WFU Policy on Research Misconduct
and follow the responsibilities and guidelines within.Use of DEAC Cluster resources for unauthorized commercial activities, for personal gain, cryptocurrency mining, or any illegal activities is prohibited.
DEAC Cluster accounts are to be used only for the purpose for which they are authorized and are not to be used for non-DEAC Cluster related activities.
DEAC Cluster users should adhere to the defined usage limitations as provided in the Expected Utilization and Usage Limitations.
Users must adhere to the terms provided in the Storage and Data Management Section.
Electronic mail notifications sent from the DEAC Cluster are for authorized use only. Notifications sent to recipients other than themselves or users within their research group should only be done so with written consent. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and/or materials shall not be sent from or stored on the DEAC Cluster.
The DEAC Cluster is not intended for classified government projects or data (ie, Secret, Top-Secret, FOUO, etc). The processing and storage of classified information is strictly prohibited.
Any activity that violates the export control laws of the United States is prohibited.
If using copyrighted and/or proprietary files or resources, users should provide the HPC Team proof of proper authorization. Access restriction to any such files or resources can be implemented upon request.
Users shall not share credentials to use their account(s) with anyone.
Users shall not attempt to access any research paths, data, or programs on the DEAC Cluster for which they do not have authorized access or explicit owner consent.
Users shall not make copies of system configuration files (e.g., /etc/passwd) for unauthorized personal use or to provide to other people/users for unauthorized uses.
Users shall not download, install, or run security programs or system utilities which reveal weaknesses in the security of a system, or seek detailed information about the architecture of the DEAC Cluster network configuration.
Users shall not intentionally engage in activities to: degrade the performance of the DEAC Cluster or any Wake Forest system; obtain resources beyond those requested and allocated; circumvent computer security measures or gain unauthorized access to systems, accounts, or resources; misuse batch queues or other resources in ways not authorized or intended; deprive an authorized user access to a resource.
Any discovered security vulnerabilities, misuse of resources, or violation of this agreement should be reported to the HPC Team immediately.
Violation of any of the above usage regulations may result in a variety of actions including, but not limited to: Suspension of DEAC Cluster account, investigation by Information Systems Information Security (InfoSec), and appropriate legal action where warranted. Relevant Federal law, North Carolina state laws, and Wake Forest University rules and regulations supersede any potential action in cases of conflict.
Acceptable Head Node Use
Access to the DEAC Cluster is provided via Head Nodes. These head nodes are not designed nor intended to bear full computational workloads. Users must be cognizant that Head Nodes are shared resources in which user access is required to utilize DEAC Cluster resources.
In addition to following guidelines of Acceptable Use, the following list of acceptable Head Node usage below is intended to be all encompassing; any activity occurring from a Head Node not listed below is subject to termination by the HPC Team without prior notification.
Editing Files - As the primary access point to all research data, scripts, and results, it is expected that users will commonly view, edit, and manipulate their files from the Head Nodes. Use of built-in editing tools like vim, nano, emacs, nedit, as well as use of third party tools such as Visual Studio Code are recommended.
Data Transfer - The Head Nodes can be used to migrate data to and from DEAC Cluster storage. Whenever possible, data should be directly downloaded to head nodes from the internet via built-in commands like sftp, wget, or curl; if not possible, use of approved third party tools such as Visual Studio Code, WinSCP, and FileZilla can be used to move data to a user’s appropriate research storage path.
Monitoring Jobs - Users can monitor scheduler queues, their running processes, and job results from the head nodes. While users can monitor other users within the scheduler queue, regular monitoring of any user beyond their research group is not recommended.
Compiling Software - Users can use head nodes to compile software within the above stated resource limits, so long as it completes in under 8 hours.
Job Testing - Prior to submitting jobs to the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler queue, it is assumed that all jobs are tested to ensure they run as expected. Processes under the above stated resource limits can be run via command-line directly on the Head Node for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Job Submission - All jobs submitted to the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler are done so from the Head Nodes.
User resource consumption is limited to 2 cores and 16GB of memory while operating on the Head Nodes; if more resources are needed, those operations should be conducted via an interactive job through the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler.
Job Cancellation
The HPC Team reserves the right to terminate running jobs, head node processes, and other operations on the DEAC Cluster without notification for the following reasons:
Emergency node maintenance.
Suspected unacceptable usage of resources.
Exceeding usage limits guidelines.
Writing data to incorrect data paths, e.g. user home directories.
Running from incorrect working directories, e.g. user home directories.
Observed errors, warnings, or issues.
Storage and Data Management
Storage Access
Only approved DEAC Cluster users can store data on DEAC Cluster storage; specifically, this includes active research paths, user home directories, and cloud archives.
“Internal” Users have access the DEAC Cluster at no cost as defined in the Account Eligibility Section are provided access to DEAC Cluster research storage by default.
“External” Users are not provided research storage beyond a simple home directory (for usage as defined in Permitted Data).
Some researchers may have access to storage that is not maintained by the HPC Team, but configured for access through a special administrative agreement.
Those researchers are expected to follow storage and data guidelines as defined in both this document AND the 3rd party administrators of their storage system.
Access to 3rd party storage is not guaranteed by the HPC Team; availability and performance are fully under 3rd party administrator control.
“External” Users may be allowed to purchase research storage in order house data on the DEAC Cluster. See Storage Sub Service-Units for details.
Collaborators and researchers from outside of Wake Forest University will have their storage access, requests and requirements reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Network and system firewalls will prevent unauthorized user access to DEAC Cluster research storage, while file system settings and permissions will limit research groups to only accessing their group’s data. These settings are managed and maintained by the HPC Team. By default, only the research groups working on the DEAC Cluster will have access to their relevant data. Research groups may include PIs, Co-PIs, Senior Personnel, Collaborators, post docs, graduate students, undergraduate students, staff, and approved sponsored guest accounts.
Storage Quotas
Storage quotas are utilized on DEAC Cluster research storage paths to prevent unexpected and accidental growth of filesystems. The following quotas are defined, configured, and implemented by the HPC Team:
Reynolda Campus researchers and departments are provided quotas for research paths starting at 1TB.
These quotas can be increased after an explicit request for additional space is made, and the need identified by the HPC Team.
- Expansion of data quotas are allowed at no cost up to the following limits:
2TB per researcher. Any individual in a department conducting research independently, or a relatively small research groups where the vast majority of all research data is associated with one individual.
10TB per research groups. A group of three or more researchers conducting research under an individual research advisor.
20TB per department; All individual researchers and research groups who fall under the same department.
Any research group, department use, or funded projects requiring an increase above these default quota limits must be paid for through a Service Unit purchase as outlined in the Service Unit Section.
Data Ownership
All users of The DEAC Cluster will be responsible for abiding to these data management guidelines as it relates to their own research. All users must agree to these guidelines before being granted access to the DEAC Cluster as part of the account creation process. Any users found in violation of these guidelines, or repeatedly attempting to access data that is not relevant to their research, will be considered acting in violation of the User Agreement Section’s terms for Acceptable Use.
Researchers should be good stewards of their data – this includes keeping only that which is actively relevant on DEAC Cluster research storage. Research group advisors are ultimately responsible for the oversight of their research storage path. In the event of a departure, the following ownership changes will occur:
Should any researcher leave WFU with data still residing on the DEAC Cluster, the associated research group advisor will take ownership of the data and can work with the HPC Team to maintain the data appropriately.
If a research group advisor leaves WFU and data ownership/lifecycle is not pre-determined during the exit process, the responsibility will be deferred solely to the HPC Team who will work with departments and/or collaborators to determine data retention.
As researchers leave the University, it does NOT trigger automatic archival of research data. Data is left in place for new data owners and research groups to continue using unless direction otherwise is explicitly provided during the exit process.
Permitted Data
The expected data and metadata to be collected or produced on the DEAC Cluster includes software, execution code, and the electronic data produced. Electronic data will be stored on the DEAC Cluster, following Information Systems (IS) and High Performance Computing (HPC) Team best practices and security policies.
DEAC Cluster storage is located on high performance, enterprise hardware that is capable of supporting HPC workloads; therefore, it is very expensive and extremely limited. For these reasons, researchers are expected to adhere strictly to permitted data guidance for the following data paths:
Home Directories
Home directories are not intended to be intensely used storage locations. This is because the /home path is a vital storage location for functionality on the DEAC Cluster. If /home runs out of space, no user will be able to login to the DEAC Cluster and job executions will fail. Any user seeking to use /home for purposes other than listed below, MUST contact the HPC Team before doing so:
Software configuration files
User settings and SSH Keys
Simple scripts and project notes,
Pre-approved special binary compilations.
Research Paths
Research storage path’s are intended to be the ONLY storage location used for research related data and executed research tasks to the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler. This path while less restrictive to encourage use, should still only be used for the following:
Source and input data that it related to and used in order to conduct research.
Output and original data that is generated as a result of executed computations
Compiled code and executable files that are run for research.
Other files directly relevant to successful execution of research, including, but not limited to, the following types:
Source code
Object files
User libraries
Include files
Make files
Scratch Paths
A temporary file system location is created for every job submitted to the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler, located at /scratch/$jobid. This path is not shared between compute nodes and is intended for local copies of active data in order to reduce network traffic during computational cycles. This path should always be used when a job generates lots of I/O, and/or when lots of temporary data is generated for a job (up to 480GB). When this path is used, any relevant data wishing to be kept must be moved out by the data owner prior to job completion or it will be deleted automatically. If a job fails and data cannot be moved out as a result, that data will still be deleted automatically.
Non-Permitted Data
Under no circumstances are the following data types allowed on the DEAC Cluster:
- Classified and compartmentalized data
DEAC is not accredited to support classified government data or projects (ie, Secret, Top-Secret, FOUO, etc).
- Data requiring HIPAA compliance
DEAC is not a HIPAA compliant system.
- Non-DEAC Research data
DEAC Cluster storage is intended for support of research conducted on the DEAC Cluster ONLY
- Secondary copies
Do not create unnecessary, secondary “backup” copies of data.
Personal data
Any user found to not be following these guidelines will be contacted and made to have that data removed within one week. After this first instance, any additional incidents will be found in violation of the User Agreement Section’s terms for Acceptable Use.
Data Backup
In addition to a robust enterprise storage solution that is configured to prevent data loss due to hardware failure, the DEAC Cluster also employs two types of backups on research storage to prevent data loss due to human error and malicious intent:
These nightly tasks utilize differential backups to capture data that changes day to day on research paths.
Two nightly snapshots are kept for all research paths.
Any file that is present and available after midnight will be captured in a snapshot and available to restore to the version present at that time.
A file that has been deleted or changed can be restored to a previous version up to two nights prior.
Research advisors can request these snapshots be turned off at their own risk.
Offsite backups
Offsite backups are not available by default on DEAC Cluster research storage paths, but can be considered upon special requests made to the HPC Team.
Data Retention and Archival
All relevant project data will be retained for a minimum of five years after the project conclusion or five years after public release, whichever is later. Relevant data will remain on the DEAC Cluster’s storage or be migrated off to a connected secure cloud archive at no additional cost to “Internal” Users; “External” Users will pay 1:1 exact cost (calcuated seperately from standard storage costs). Both locations are maintained by IS, and require dual factor authentication behind a secure network firewall to prevent unauthorized access. The following process is followed for data archival:
The HPC Team will copy data identified by the requestor to the archive where it will reside on Cloud storage.
Life span options for archived data are for five or ten years. Exceptions can be made upon request when needed (due to grant rules, publication requirements, etc).
According to the
WFU Policy on Research Misconduct
, data must be kept for a minimum of five years after publication.If the research has been supported by a federal source, record retention requirements of that source, if longer, will apply.
Any research resulting in a patent will result in the data retention being extended to the life of the patent.
Only non-publicly available, relevant, unique, and/or newly created data should be archived. For example, source data originating from another institution should NOT be archived.
To reduce storage space, data may be compressed prior to archival.
Research advisors are responsible for knowing the content and integrity of archived data, as well as the location and expiration of the archive.
A filelist of th archived data can be made viewable upon request in the parent research path to what is being archived.
Descriptive file names and/or paths are recommended.
If/When a restore is requested, the file(s) being restored may not be available for access for up to 7 days after request is made.
As archive retention time periods near expiration, users will be contacted and data life spans will be extended as necessary.
Dissemination and Sharing
Generally speaking, all users of the DEAC Cluster should comply with the NSF Proposal and Award Policy and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results. Researcher advisors shall publish the findings from their research group projects as soon and as widely as possible. Additionally, research advisors, PIs, and Co-PIs should be encouraged to publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals and, if travel allows, present results at relevant conferences. Findings on the DEAC Cluster are not expected to be proprietary so no limits on dissemination should be expected. If data that supports disseminated findings must also be shared, coordination must occur with the HPC Team to make data accessible to individuals in the scientific community.
All dissemination and shared findings* should reference the DEAC Cluster in accordance with the first term for Acceptable Use.
Service Unit
Purpose and Applicability
The DEAC Cluster offers baseline services and resources in support of research carried out by the WFU Undergraduate College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Baseline usage of the DEAC Cluster is provided at NO COST to these “*Internal*” Users as part of the centralized services provided by Information Systems. See the Expected Utilization and Usage Limitations sections for more information on baseline expected usage.
There are two scenarios where payment should be made for the use of DEAC Cluster compute resources:
“Internal” users should consider contributing to the DEAC Cluster via grant or start-up funds if they plan to use compute resources for their research above baseline expectations. If usage exceeds baseline, they do not have to pay for that excessive usage; it is only highly encouraged.
“External” Users, outside of the aforementioned colleges, do not have free access to the DEAC Cluster by default, and must pay for all utilized compute resources in the form of Service Unit Chargebacks if not pre-paid.
Contributions and/or chargebacks are made in the form of Service Units (SUs). SUs are a DEAC Cluster service usage charge and do NOT tie specifically to hardware or software, so there are no follow-up asset tracking requirements. SUs are based on overall hardware investment in the DEAC Cluster plus additional operating fees where applicable. SU purchases also:
Go towards the continued maintenance, operation, and improvement of the DEAC Cluster.
Help forecast utilization of the DEAC Cluster and prioritize support provided by the HPC Team.
Track funding history and funding agency investments to help reinforce grant applications.
Service Unit Rates for “Internal” and “External” Users are different.
SU Contributions
Researchers that are planning on conducting a significant amount of their work on the DEAC Cluster should purchase Service Units (SUs) as the preferred form of contribution. Purchasing SUs offers guaranteed, high priority, and expanded utilization of DEAC Cluster compute resources; increased research job allocation priority is applied for a duration of five years, adjusted annually based on total monetary investment. See the Expected Utilization and Usage Limitations sections for details on the benefits of contributions.
The HPC Team will work with any researcher, research group, department or party on a case-by-case basis to determine compute resource needs. This will determine the number of SUs to be purchased, if any.
The most common use case for the purchase of SUs would be for budgeting within grant applications. When applying for grants, the HPC Team can work with PIs to come up with cost estimates based on forecasted research needs.
SUs should be budgeted as a Computer Service Fee within a grant, and should be factored into F&A calculations when determining final grant budgets.
Although not required, newly-hired faculty are encouraged to utilize start-up funds to purchase SUs if they intend to utilize significant DEAC Cluster resources for their research. The HPC Team is available to help forecast research needs and determine potential SU purchases.
The HPC Team quantifies estimated resource usage via Service Sub-Units (SSUs) that correlate with different types of consumable compute resources on the DEAC Cluster.
The Service Sub-Unit Types section provides the definition of these SSUs and how total SU numbers and costs are derived and calculated.
A non-standard, hardware-specific contribution can be made to purchase a Research-Node.
A Research-Node is essentially a dedicated Head Node to be used only by the purchasing research group.
This hardware-based contribution method is only offered as a last resort, limited only to those groups who cannot conduct their work on current DEAC resources and/or setup.
SU Chargebacks (for External Users)
Any “External” Users, which would be a researcher, research group, department or party conducting research that is not directly sponsored by members of the WFU Undergraduate College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (i.e. via collaboration, consortium, class, etc.), must pay for their usage of the DEAC Cluster. If that usage is not paid ahead of time in a contribution, it must be in the form of an annual Service Unit (SU) Chargeback.
The SU Chargeback totals will be determined by consumed DEAC Cluster compute resources multiplied by the External SU Rate.
At the beginning of each calendar year, an invoice for total resource usage from the previous calendar year will be calculated and delivered to researchers, research group advisors, and/or department representatives.
Payment for this invoice will be due within 60 days of receipt. If a payment is not made within this time period, DEAC Cluster access may be denied until a payment is received or a payment timeline agreement is established.
“External” Users may request SU Chargeback estimates up to once a month, based on current resource consumption rates.
The HPC Team tracks resource consumption through a variety of tools and techniques that determine the invoiced SU Chargeback total. SUs are subdivided into Service Sub-Units (SSUs) that correlate with different types of consumable compute resources on the DEAC Cluster.
The Service Sub-Unit Types section provides the definition of these SSUs and how total SU numbers and costs are derived and calculated.
Service Sub-Unit Types
Service Units (SUs) are derived from consumption of various types of resources on the DEAC Cluster. Each usage type is tracked with a correlating Service Sub-Unit (SSU). Currently, there are three defined and tracked types: Compute, GPU, and Storage. These SSUs are defined in the subsections below, and have the following characteristics:
Each SSU type has an Internal Base Rate used to determine the corresponding requested or charged amount; see subsections below for calculations.
External Fees all factor Indirects (based on WFU F&A Rates) in order to cover relevant operational costs that Information Systems does not accomodate for “External” Users by default. Additional Service Costs, if applicable, are also included below.
SSU Rates are reviewed and adjusted annually based on applicable hardware and additional operating costs.
SSU Type |
Internal Base Rate |
External Fee |
Unit |
Compute SSU |
$0.0103 |
$0.0137 |
Per Core-Hour |
$0.1616 |
$0.0888 |
Per GPU-Hour |
Storage SSU |
$34.00 |
$15.00 |
Per TB / Month |
The sum total of all SSUs is converted into a standard Service Unit in order to normalize the purchase/payment process.
The converted total of all Service Sub-Units is used to create the overall SU request or invoice.
The smallest base rate from all SSU types, and the most essential SSU, the Compute Rate, is used to convert the total cost into total SUs (1 Compute SSU = 1 SU).
The External Rate is calcuated by adding the Internal Base Rate plus additional External Fee.
Current Service Unit Costs
Internal Rate = $0.0103 (for “Internal” Users within the WFU UC/GSAS)
External Rate = $0.0240 (for “External” Users)
Compute Service Sub-Unit
A Compute SSU is defined as the cost of using one (1) CPU core for one (1) hour of wall time (also referred to as 1 core-hour) with a maximum utilization of four (4) GB of RAM per core for the duration of the work task.
The Base Compute Rate used to convert Compute SSUs to SUs is derived from the sum total cost of compute servers, divided by server lifespan, divided by the maximum number of core-hours in a year; plus the sum total cost of racks, PDUs, storage and network devices divided by total core-hours in a year.
The Compute External Fee accounts for cost of HPC Team support time available in a year, divided by number of cores-hours (aka Service Cost); minus storage portion of base rate if not using WFU storage (which is added regardless to maintain the same base rate).
If a work task requests greater than 4GB of memory per core requested, then Compute Service Sub-Units will be determined by memory consumption. This is done by taking a work task’s time duration (in hours), multiplying it by the amount of memory (GB) consumed, and dividing by four (4). Whichever equation yields a higher Compute SSU amount will be selected as the consumed total for the work task. The DEAC Cluster’s Scheduler automatically determines if this conversion as necessary for every work task.
The average memory per core on the DEAC Cluster is currently 4GB; if/when it changes, so too will the memory-based Compute SSU conversion.
High memory utilization can create resource contention the same as CPU utilization does. If a work task requests one (1) core and all memory on a node, then it prevents other users from using that node the same as a work task that consumes all available cores would.
GPU Service Sub-Unit
A GPU SSU is defined as the cost of using one (1) GPU Card for one (1) hour of wall time (also referred to as 1 GPU-hour) for a work task. A GPU Card is defined as a complete, encapsulated graphics processing unit containing all relevant hardware components.
The Base GPU Rate used to convert GPU SSUs to SUs is derived from the sum total cost of GPU servers and GPU cards, divided by the number of usable GPU-hours (GPU cards x days x hours available) possible in a year.
The GPU External Fee is derived from the sum total of Service Indirect.
Storage Service Sub-Unit
A Storage Service Sub-Unit (SSU) is defined as having one (1) terabyte (TB) of dedicated DEAC Storage for one (1) month. DEAC Storage is defined as any IS managed, dedicated network storage device hosting data used for research on the DEAC Cluster.
The Base Storage Rate used to convert Storage SSUs to SUs is derived from the cost of a DEAC Storage disk, divided by the Terabytes per disk, divided by the 5-year disk lifespan, divided by a 1.1 data reduction ratio.
The Storage External Fee does not factor in Service Indirect.
Storage SSU purchases do NOT exist in perpetuity.
Storage SSU purchases can be made in 12 month calendar year increments, starting every January, for a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 60 months.
If a Storage purchase occurs mid-year, purchasers will be fractionally charged for the partial year at the end of their first full annual cycle.
Storage purchases can be paid all up front, or annually over the course of the agreed upon time period.
Upon the end of the initial purchase period, the HPC Team will review usage of DEAC Storage with the purchasing party and determine next steps.
If a Storage SSU purchase is not renewed, quotas will be reset to their default amount and excess data will require migration, deletion, or archival.
For “Internal” Users, data archival is conducted at no cost by the HPC Team; therefore, archive costs and retention periods should not be factored into Storage SSU purchases.
For “External” Users, data archival can be conducted by the HPC Team; however, the archive costs and retention periods must be factored seperately into budgets.o
For BULK storage purchases (exceeding 20TB), please contact the HPC Team for a bulk rate determined by the size of the overall need.
Example SU Purchase
Below are four examples of Service Unit requests for Contribution and/or Chargeback. For any case, the Internal or External rate is applied accordingly, depending on the category of User. For any Contribution or Chargeback, even if Compute SSUs are not factored, the Applicable Compute SSU rate is used for the overall SSU to SU conversion.
Compute Request Example
A Statistics faculty member (aka “Internal” Users) wishes to submit a grant application and factor in the increased computational workload on DEAC. They are expected to submit 1,250 simulations over three years, and each simulation will require up to 32 cores and run for approximately 100 hours each.
The total amount required to cover the increased computational workload is 4 million SUs.
1,250 simulations x 32 cores x 100 hrs = 4 million Compute SSUs
4 million Compute SSUs x $0.0103 Compute SSU Applied Internal Rate = $41,200
$41,200 SSU Total / Applicable Compute SSU internal rate ($0.0103) = 4 million SUs
The total amount cost requested within the grant application is $41,200, which can be paid up front, or annually based upon the grant timeline.
Because this is a grant contribution, ORSP should also be contacted about matching the amount!
GPU Chargeback Example
A non-Reynolda Campus researcher (aka “External” User) used 4 GPUs for a total of 232 hours last year on the DEAC Cluster.
The total amount required to cover the increased computational workload is 35,400 SUs.
4 GPUs x 232 hours = 928 GPU SSUs
928 GPU SSUs x $0.2505 GPU SSU Applied External Rate = $232.46
$232.46 SSU Total / Applicable Compute SSU external rate ($0.0240) = 11,285 SUs
The total amount that will be charged back to cover usage will be $232.46, which should be paid within 60 days of receiving the usage invoice.
Storage Purchase Example
A School of Medicine Post-Doc (aka “External” User) wishes to request a 4 TB quota increase for 36 months. Because the purchase occurs mid-year, the increased storage quota would be valid for 39 months from 09/2022 - 12/2025.
The required total purchase to meet this request is 350,600 SUs.
4TB x 39 Months = 156 Storage SSUs
156 Storage SSUs x $49.00 Storage SSU Applied External Rate = $7,644.00
$7,644.00 SSU Total / Applicable Compute SSU external rate ($0.0240) = 318,500 SUs
Total cost is $7,644.00, which can be paid up front:
Alternatively the total cost can be paid annually:
First invoice on January 2024 is for 15-months: $2,940.00
Second invoice on January 2025 is for 12-months: $2,352.00
Third invoice on January 2026 is for 12-months: $2,352.00
Multi-type Contribution Example
A newly hired researcher in the Engineering Department (aka “Internal” Users) wishes to heavily utilize the DEAC Cluster in their 2nd year at Wake Forest. While the School of Engineering is part of the WFU Undergraduate College, and default level access to DEAC resources and the HPC Team is free; they wish to contribute to DEAC knowing their storage footprint will increase, and they also desire a higher priority for an increased workload after their second year. Starting their 2nd year, they expect to use a small GPU workload to train models, and then move on to consume 1 million core hours over the next three years, and require 5TB of storage.
The amount required to cover this request is 1,609,874 SUs.
5TB x 36 Months = 180 Storage SSUs
180 Storage SSUs x $34.00 Storage SSU Applied Internal Rate = $6,120.00
20 x 2 GPU jobs x 25 hours = 1000 GPU SSUs
1000 GPU SSUs x $0.1617 GPU SSU Applied Internal Rate = $161.70
1 million Compute SSUs x $0.0103 Compute SSU Applied Internal Rate = $10,300.00
$16,581.70 SSU Total Cost / Applicable Compute SSU internal rate ($0.0103) = 1,609,874 SUs
Total cost is $16,581.70, which can be paid up front using available start-up funds.
Expected Utilization
Expected utilization of the DEAC Cluster can be defined as the amount of computational resources that a research group or department is expected to use. Expected Utilization is determined by a research group’s parent department’s investments into the DEAC Cluster compared to the total monetary investment (\(I_{\mathrm{tot}}\)) over the past 5 years and controlled by Fairshare value.
Investments, fairshare, and expected utilization are recalculated at the end of the fiscal year (June 30) and deployed to the DEAC Cluster scheduler configuration within one month of final calculations.
Derived from Investment Types
Expected utilization is derived from the monthly computational capacity of the cluster by a ratio of applicable Investment types.
There are three investment types factored into the calculation of Expected Utilization:
Information Systems Investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{IS}}}\))
As a centralized resource, the Information Systems department budgets annual hardware refreshes to remove/replace DEAC Cluster resources greater than 5 years old based on overall utilization. This 5-year expected lifespan of investments is why the total investment period is equal to 5 years.
The sum total of all investments from Information Systems over the previous 5 years is factored in to the value of (\(I_{\mathrm{IS}}\)).
Contributions and Chargebacks from “External” Users are factored into the DEAC Cluster as an Information Systems Investment (\(I_{\mathrm{IS}}\)).
The DEAC Cluster is accessible to “External” Users if, and only if, they are willing and able to pay for their consumed usage of resources, whether it be ahead of time in the form of a Contribution, or afterthe fact in the form of a Chargeback.
WFU Provost Office Investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\))
The WFU Provost’s Office has several funding opportunities available to researchers, such as grant matching from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP).
Grant Contribution Matching
ORSP will match up to $75,000 annually in grant fund contributions made to the DEAC Cluster from all “Internal” Users.
Provost’s Office Investments (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\)) only benefit “Internal” Users.
The sum total of all matched grant funds provided by ORSP, or funds directly provided by the provost’s office in support of a specific project, count as a Provost’s Office Investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\)).
Contribution Investments (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{contrib}}}\))
See the Service Unit Contributions Section for more information on how contributed amounts (\(A_{\mathrm{contrib}}\)) are calculated and why they are made.
SU Contributions (\(I_{\mathrm{contrib}}\)) can come from departments or research groups.
The sum total of all SU-based contributions (\(I_{\mathrm{contrib}}\)) is factored into the total monetary investment (\(I_{{tot}}\)) which influences the baseline Expected Utilization for Research Groups (\(U_{\mathrm{Grp}}\)):
Baseline Utilization Calculation
Each investment type establishes a baseline amount that is factored into a research group and department’s overall utilization calculation. Each baseline utilization is based upon ratio of the maximum utilization possible (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{MAX}}}\)), which is equal to the number of monthly CPU Service Sub-Units, aka core hours, available on the cluster.
Research Group Baseline (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Grp}}}\))
Expected baseline monthly utilization is the computational workload that each research group on the DEAC Cluster should expect to be able to use at no cost to them.
The research group baseline utilization (\(U_{\mathrm{Grp}}\)) is calculated by multiplying the ratio of IS investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{IS}}}\)) vs Total investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{Total}}}\)) times the by the maximum utilization possible (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{MAX}}}\)), divided by the number of active groups using the cluster.
External research groups are counted by one of the following largest common denominators: department level, center, or consortium.
For example, an external department with 5 small research groups would count as a single “group” added to the group total.
Current Research Group Baseline
The current baseline monthly utilization (\(U_{Grp}\)) for research groups is 26,046 SUs.
If a non-contributing group is operating outside of that monthly utilization on a regular basis, then they should consider contributing to the DEAC Cluster to help accomodate their elevated usage.
Provost Office Baseline (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\))
Expected baseline monthly utilization of each “Internal” User department (\(U_{\mathrm{WFU}}\)) is calculated by multiplying the ratio of Provost Office Investments (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\)) vs Total investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{Total}}}\)) times the maximum utilization possible (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{MAX}}}\)), divided by the number of active “Internal” User departments using the cluster.
Current Research Group Baseline
The current baseline monthly utilization for each “Internal” User department (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\)) is 11,239 SUs.
Contribution Baseline (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Contrib}}}\))
All department based contributions are applied to increase that Department’s overall expected Utilization (\(U_{\mathrm{Dept}}\)), benefitting all researchers in that department.
All research group contributions increase their expected utilization, but that utilization is considered as a part of an increase within their their parent department’s overall expected Utilization (since they reside in that department).
The main benefit to differentiate a contributing research group’s Utilization from non-contributing in their department is access to an exclusive “High” QOS priority for their group ONLY, meaning they can submit jobs with an elevated priority above the “Normal” QOS.
See the Contributing Research Groups Section for more information.
Expected contribution monthly utilization (\(U_{\mathrm{Contrib}}\)) is calculated by multiplying the ratio of the contributed amount (\(\mathbf{A_{\mathrm{Contrib}}}\)) vs Total investment (\(\mathbf{I_{\mathrm{Total}}}\)) times the by the max utilization possible (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{MAX}}}\)).
Overall Monthly Utilization (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Dept}}}\))
Overall monthly utilization is derived from the 3 baseline values, and equates to how much each department can expect to be able to use monthly.
Each department’s overall monthly utilization (\(\mathbf{U_\mathrm{Dept}}\)) is calculated by multiplying the research group baseline (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Grp}}}\)) times the number of active research groups in the department (\(\mathbf{D_{\mathrm{Active}}}\)), plus the Provost Office Departmental Baseline (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{WFU}}}\)), plus all applicable Contribution baselines (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Contrib}}}\)).
If a department or it’s research groups have not contributed and are operating outside of their expected overall monthly utilization on a regular basis, then the department and/or one of it’s research groups should consider contributing to the DEAC Cluster to help accomodate their elevated usage.
Usage Limitations
If a research group or department exceeds their expected utilization (\(U_{\mathrm{Dept}}\)) of cluster resources, then the DEAC Cluster’s scheduler will temporarily adjust their assigned Fairshare Value (\(F_{\mathrm{Dept}}\)) and priority in an attempt to make usage more “fair” for other research groups when overutilized. The time period that tracks resource consumption is reset on the first of each month.
Regardless of calculated fairshare (\(U_{\mathrm{Dept}}\)), the DEAC Cluster exists to be utilized. Users should submit their jobs to the DEAC Cluster without hesitation if they have research to do!
The nature of research means certain periods of the year are busier than others, and it is expected that departments will exceed their fairshare (\(U_{\mathrm{Dept}}\)) at some point. That being said, the DEAC Cluster is a shared resource and several guidelines on usage limitations should be followed by different group types when utilizing its resources. Failing to operate within these limits can result in termination of processes and be found in violation of Acceptable Use as outlined in the User Agreement.
General Limitations
The DEAC Cluster is limited to 50,000 submitted jobs (which includes queued and running). Users will receive a “sleeping and retrying” message when this limit is reached.
Users can not submit more than 10,000 jobs at a time. Users will receive an error upon submission when they pass this limit. Up to 1,000 jobs can run at a time, jobs will be queued with “QOSMaxJobsPerUserLimit” as the reason if the limit is reached.
Up to 100 jobs (per account) receive increased priority due to waiting in the queue.
Users should aim to submit small, parallelized batches of jobs, versus large, monolithic jobs.
Small partition, single-core jobs requesting <5GB memory, are considered to be non-impactful to queue wait times as they utilize the backfill algorithm to be assigned resources.
The HPC Team prefers to let the scheduler assign queued job priority during busy periods; please wait at least 48 hours before contacting the HPC Team about long wait times.
Baseline Research Groups
Any group that is using the DEAC Cluster without contribution, or under the requirement of chargebacks for usage, are described as Baseline Research Groups. These groups are expected to adhere to the following usage limits:
No Baseline Research Group usage of cluster resources should exceed three times the value of \(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{Grp}}}\) during a usage period without contacting the HPC Team.
Exceptions: During periods of extremely low cluster utilization (e.g. <25%), a research group may exceed this limit. It is requested that groups contact the HPC Team before doing so; and, if exceeding this limit, the HPC Team reserves the right to cancel jobs if other researcher jobs are queued for greater than twenty four hours as a result.
No single researcher from a Baseline Research Group should exceed three times the value of \(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{base}}}\) at any point during a usage period.
Exceptions: None; a single researcher shall not consume this many DEAC cluster resources on behalf of a Baseline Research Group.
Note: The researcher should investigate use of job arrays to limit simultaneous running job submissions; or they can investigate making a contribution for priority limits.
Baseline Research Groups can request reservation of resources, but reservations must be made one week in advance and are limited to 4 compute nodes and 7 days. GPU nodes cannot be reserved.
Exception: None.
Baseline Research Groups only have access to the default “normal” QOS priority, meaning they cannot submit any jobs with elevated priority above their standard fairshare.
Contributing Research Groups
Research Groups who have made monetary contributions to the DEAC Cluster should see several benefits from higher priority, resulting in lower wait times when the cluster is overutilized. In addition to higher fairshare, contributing research groups are also granted the following higher usage limits:
Contributing research groups, and individual researchers within should not exceed six times the value of \(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{final}}}\) within a usage period without contacting the HPC Team first.
Exceptions: During periods of extremely low cluster utilization (e.g. 10-25%), usage may exceed this limit to meet research needs.
Note: Unlike Baseline Research Groups, a single researcher may consume the entirety of this usage on behalf of a contributing research group.
Note: If exceeding this limit, the HPC Team will ensure parallelization and best practices are utilized for such large workloads, and ensures the right to lower the priority and/or cancel queued jobs if absolutely necessary.
Contributors can request reservation of resources when the need arises without notice. When requested, reservations are limited to a maximum of 10 nodes and 3 months.
Note: Reservations without prior notice cannot be guaranteed to have requested resources available immediately, depending on utilization.
Contributors have access to the default “normal” QOS, and an exclusive “High” QOS priority for their group; meaning they can submit jobs with an elevated priority above their standard fairshare.
The “High” QOS is limited to a specific number of Core Hours, set by the size of your Contribution.
For example, if a researchGrp purchases 1,000,000 SUs, their group’s “High” QOS can be used to elevate priority for multiple jobs until a sum total of 1,000,000 core hours are consumed.
If funds are contributed from a grant, the “High” QOS will ideally be used for jobs specifically related to that grant.
The naming scheme for each group’s “High” QOS is the name of their researchGrp plus High, for example: “doeGrpHigh”.
There is no limit to how many submitted jobs receive increased priority due to waiting in the queue.
Class Groups
By default, all classes that fall under an “Internal” User department will have nearly unrestricted access to the DEAC cluster for instructional use. Utilization by classes is considered wholly separate from that of researchers, and is the only percentage not based on the calculations provided in Expected Utilization. While instructional learning with classes is a top priority, the DEAC Cluster is still a shared and regularly utilized resource by researchers. Instructors are asked to consider the following:
The allowed expected utilization for classes (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{class}}}\)) is equal to the Maximum utilization possible (\(\mathbf{U_{\mathrm{MAX}}}\)); meaning classes are allowed to utilize 100% of DEAC Cluster resources for instruction and assignments, only if needed.
Exceptions: Assignments and tasks related to instruction should run for less than one week.
Assuming a relatively small workload, the assigned class fairshare value (\(F_{\mathrm{class}}\) is equal to the maximum fairshare of all departments combined, ensuring assignment related tasks can run as soon as possible.
Historically, classroom workloads are very small, have short deadlines, and impose a non-impactful, temporary workload on DEAC Cluster resources; that is the assumed case for default class behavior. Exemptions may require action from the HPC Team.
Class groups can request reservation of resources without prior notice. When requested, class reservations are limited to a maximum of 1 week.
Note: Depending on DEAC Cluster utilization, reservations requests made without prior notice cannot be guaranteed to have requested resources available immediately, only as they become available.
The HPC Team will not cancel running research tasks to help make resources available to meet classroom deadlines.
Exceptions: None; prior planning and coordination should prevent any issues making deadlines.
Follow terms provided within the User Agreement on how and when to make classroom account requests for instructional use.
Exceptions: The HPC Team will make every effort to enable accounts on time if requests are not made within these defined terms before usage is required.